Ni Tukak Ken Uwak by Jenelyn B. Baldemor

MT1RCIIIb-c2.1 Give the correct sequence of three events in a story read.
MT1RCIIId3.1 Infer the character feelings and traits in a story read.
MT1RCIIIe4.1 Identify the speaker in the story or poem read.
MT1RCIIIf-5.1 Relate story events to one’s experience.
MT1RCIIIg-h6.1 Predict possible ending of a story read.
MT1RCIIIi-j7.1 Give one’s reaction to an event or issues listened to.
Storybook, MTB - MLE, Grade 1, Quarter 1,
Download: Ni Tukak ken Uwak